Helping others explore and grow in their KAP practice is my mission. I want to inspire confidence and share my knowledge and expertise through the workshops, consultations groups, and retreats listed below.

Ketamine Assisted GROUP therapy with confidence

Comprehensive training for clinicians interested in conducting KAP group therapy. You will receive a complete starter package including a six-week protocol, handouts, intake forms, and more. Run groups with confidence!

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

consultation GROUPS

Elevated Group Leadership - KAP Group Consultation. For KAP practitioners leading or working on leading groups, retreats, and workshops. Lead by Katja Cahoon, LCSW and Dr. Eva Altobelli for both a therapeutic and a medical perspective.

GROUp leader retreat

Join Dr. Eva Altobelli and Katja Cahoon for one-of-a-kind leadership retreats. Grow as a group leader in a supportive setting, both through immersive experiential work and didactic portions. Work together in small teams to guide others and be guided.

Photo by Jakob Boman on Unsplash


Coming in 2025: For anyone who has taken the Ketamine Assisted Group Therapy With Confidence training and wants to learn about our Level II groups, which are designed to help clients go deeper into their work.

Individual Consultation

One hour online (Zoom) Individual consultation for group and individual KAP, including but not limited to: getting started, case consultation, logistics and practical issues, working with a co-leaders, marketing, and more.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: You are the Medicine. -María Sabina